Sunday, June 20, 2010

DAY 2, Saturday, June 19 LONDON

Did I mention that when we landed it was Saturday morning. When I said sweet dreams, we were going to bed which was 3 p.m. We tried to sleep but couldn't. We decided to set out to find an electronics store cuz we brought a plug adapter not a converter which are two different things (can't fry my note book). Didn't have any luck but we did find "Little Arabia". What an experience! What's with the water smoking pipes on every corner? We quickly turned around and after much walking found a restaurant. We had a traditional British Classic. You'll never guess...alright, it was Fish and Chips. The waitress was very helpful, took our picture and told us about "Curry's Digital", very big electronics store. Unfortunately it was several blocks away and not open at that hour.

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