Thursday, June 24, 2010

DAY 7, Thursday, June 24 Innsbruck - Salzburg

Today we left Innsbruck for the day and took a drive deep into the National Park past farmhouses and picturesque villages to the ruins of Obersalzburg. This is an area that housed Hitler's troops and was destroyed at the end of WWII. From there we transferred to special motorcoaches adapted to the scenic mountain climb to Hitler's notorious "Eagles Nest." The lodge was a gift from the Nazi party to Hitler on his 50th birthday. It is an engineering feat. The Eagles Nest sits on a mountain top at 6,017 ft. After the bus ride, you ride an elevator 400 ft to reach the top. The views are spectacular when it is clear. We had some haze but the weather was good. On the way back, we stopped in Salzburg, Austria for lunch and a visit to Mozart's birth place and took a stroll through the gardens of the Mirabell Palace, a site used for scenes from the Sound Of Music. I can hear them now...Do...Re...Me...Fa. So sad we have to leave tomorrow because the views here are incredible. Our room has great views of the mountains and a ski jump from the Olympics. At a comfort stop, Vinse really wanted a beer and I said "Okay...just one." Check out the size of that puppy!

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