Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DAY 9, Saturday, June 26 Venice

Today, we traveled to the island of Barona where we saw a demonstration of Venetian glass-blowing. Of course I had to make a small purchase (really small). We just couldn't afford the $4,000 chandelier. Did I mention that the weather has changed dramatically from the mountainous Innsbruck? Try 80 plus degrees with 90% humidity. Of course, I was daring enough to go on an excursion to find "Hidden Venice." It was advertised as a guided walk through some of the lesser known quarters of Venice. The only problem was some tourist found the hidden parts and it was packed with people. And yes, when in Venice one has to take a Gondola ride. It's a little scary with the swells, especially when the driver tells you not to lean to the sides (not like Vegas where it's calm). We finished the excursion with a trip to the island of Burona for lunch and a visit to a famous lace shop. Must be famous cuz I saw Elton John's picture on the wall with the owner. Yes, the church tower is leaning.

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